Welcome to our Fall 4 Week Intensive!


I wanted to share everything you'll need to know for our upcoming session. To make it easy to read and for me to ensure I am thorough, I will just bullet the thoughts and tips I have for you below:

  • Arrive on time but don't stress or become anxious if you are a little late. Safety is priority- drive safe, don't worry about messaging to let me know you are running late. Take your time, arrive safely, and slip into our class and your practice with peaceful energy. All is fine. 
    • 7pm: As always, we plan on entering the studio space (Studio 3 upstairs) right at 7pm (there is usually a class right before us that exits at 6:55pm). This is the reason for the extended time in our class- since there is no transition time between classes. We have a full 1.5 hour to be together. 
    • 7pm-7:05pm: (Arriving in the space while I set up our music and get ready)
      • Settle in the room, place your personal items along the wall as you enter, remove your shoes, and put on your shimmy scarf (if you don't have one you can borrow one from me)
      • Find your spot in the studio and have a seat. We start class sitting in a circle to help us "arrive in the space" and feel grounded.
      • I will share information about our class time and instruction for the week before we begin our warm up. We also have a different focus each class so it will be related to each week's focus. This is also a time when I discuss some belly dance background info. It could be history, cultural references, regarding technique, performance, etc. I jotted down a number of things I want to share with you this session so it will be whatever I feel is important for you to know. 
  • Health/Safety reminders: Practice all the recommendations to help keep our community safe.
  • Wear leggings/belly dance pants. Some choose skirts, bike shorts, or stretch pants. I find leggings or belly dance pants are best for practice. It also helps me see your movements better which allows me to re-teach or address improper posture or movement for the whole class when I can see everyone's movements more clearly.
  • Wear a fitted shirt. Same here- some prefer a loosely fit shirt, but if it's not intentional, I would stick with a shirt that allows you to see your movements more easily. I recommend tank tops.
  • Your belly, your business- feel free to wear a crop top and bare your belly or to do class with your belly covered. I do want all of us to fall in love with our bellies and their shape- so it's not about "hiding" or "showing off" it's about your personal comfort level and what makes you feel free to move.
  • Class is done barefoot.
  • NOTEBOOK! I always recommend making notes!
  • Bring a hip scarf- If you don't have a belly dance hip scarf you can use a long pashmina or other scarf. wearing one on your hips makes the practice soooo much better. I have some to share but not enough for everyone. (Not required- just adds to the fun and "feel")
  • Bring water. Really, really important. We will take regular water breaks, bring your water so you can stay hydrated.
  • Don't be nervous- If this is your first class or session, I promise there is absolutely NOTHING to be nervous about. I work actively and intentionally at helping create a safe/brave space for all of us. I know you will fit right in. We have a beautiful, open, diverse, inclusive, wonderful group in this session and I could not be more excited for all of us to share in this space. Also, we have several new-to-belly-dance lovelies so you will be in awesome company!
  • Ask questions- all questions are an excellent way for all of us to learn together. You are not interrupting instruction or disrupting if you ask a question, it is what I am there for- to teach and it is what everyone is there for, as well- to learn.
  • Cool down: We will end class with a 10 minute cool down.  encourage you to bring your yoga mat or a bath towel if you would like to lie down for this portion. Some prefer to not bring one and to sit or stand/stretch for this portion- this is up to you. If you came to our last session and think you won't need one, remember we are not memorizing choreo in this session so we will close class with a 10 minute cool down each time, so I highly recommend bringing one so you can enjoy this time. But I will be intentional about closing with a 10 minute cooldown so wanted to let you know the length of time and you can decide if you will close class lying down, sitting down, or standing/stretching.
    • On October 26, class instruction is from 7pm-8pm (there is an Open Studio/self-guided/Troupe practice time from 8pm-8:30pm). We will not have an extended cooldown on this day.
  • I will share our class playlist in our Facebook group message in case anyone would like it. If you're not on FB and you want me to email or message the link, just let me know.
  • So- get ready to push yourself outside of your comfort zone (even you long-term students) this will be an amazing session that will challenge you, but oh-so-much FUN!!!
  • A little note: I don't provide video recording of class. However, if you would like to record a video of a combo during class for your personal practice, you are free to do so. Just let me know. 
I am so excited to see you on Thursday! Let me know if you have any question.
~ Karlita (oh, yes! call me Karlita)


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