Dancing our way home by Tamalyn Dallal

In January of 2017, 
New Orleans and the surrounding areas will experience the wonder that is Tamalyn Dallal. My teacher and inspiration, the reason I began dancing in 2005 when I joined her studio (MidEastern Dance Exchange in South Beach, Miami) and continued for all these years (now in New Orleans), she is a mentor, a hero, a friend, she is so much more than I could describe in a few lines.

As luck would have it, the universe has brought her to New Orleans, and in January, I get to collaborate with this amazing woman, teacher, and friend to help bring a program and project created by Tamalyn to our region.

I will have the honor of facilitating this program at Tamalyn's home studio in New Orleans and share in this experience with dedicated students who are ready to delve into a course of study in Middle Easter dance. Please visit Tamalyn's website to find out more about this wonderful program.

First 7 weeks:
Starts on January 10, 2017

Classes will be held
@Tamalyn's studio (FQ New Orleans)

Days and Times:
Tuesdays 6:45pm-8:45pm

Karla Marie

Course of Study in dance:

  • Persian Empire and its influence on Middle Eastern dance and music 
  • The Ottoman Empire and its influence on Middle Eastern dance and music 
  • The Silk Road and its influence on Middle Eastern dance and music
  • A man named Ziryab, Bagdad and Arabian Spain, and the return of the Arabs to the Middle East through North Africa, and the influence of this part of history had on Middle Eastern dance and music. 
The culmination:
  • At the end of this series, (2nd week of August) we will do a theater show, showing the four routes and how they intersect. In order to be part of the show, you need to complete all four sections. 
  • The entire program will be 4 sections/modules (four 7 week series immediately following each other). The same day and time will be honored for the entire series, except for Mardi gras holidays. Although the entire four sections/modules are required for participation and performance in the final Theater Show, participation in all four modules in not required. In other words, you CAN attend only one or two of the 7 week series and we welcome you to attend. This will only affect participation requirements for the show. 
  • Those who have only taken part can help with the show production. If someone started the program at the second go round, they can double up and take two classes simultaneously. Same if they started the third time around. Starting the 4th time around, they could be in the show, but that would mean taking all four segments at the same time, or being a production person. 
Cost: $210 per seven week session, or $800 for all four sessions

This location will be limited to 10 students.
Registration will close once we reach capacity.


And as if that's not enough.... make your very own sparkle globe based on your studies. What dancer doesn't need their own sparkle globe?

Tamalyn's sparkle globe. Each route of culture: Persian world, Turkic world, Silk Road, Ottoman Empire, Bedouin migrations, Romany Trail, and the Maritime Spice Route are represented by a different color jewel. Notice the concentration of culture: Egypt, Turkey and the Levant. This explains a lot about our dance and the music that inspires us to dance.


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